About Me

Who am I?

My name is Josh Hertel (pronunciation) and I am husband, father, mathematics educator, financial education nerd, tabletop gamer, techie, and geek. I hold a Ph.D. in Mathematics Education and MS in Mathematics from Illinois State University as well as a Bachelor of Music Education from the University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire. I work as a Professor in the Mathematics and Statistics Department at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse where I focus primarily on teaching preservice mathematics teachers. You can find more info about me on my personal website joshhertel.com

Outside of academia, I am an active member of the Waking Up White Collaborative working to dismantle oppressive and racist systems within my personal and professional life. I also founded and help coordinate the tabletop gaming convention called Coulee Con.

Why Financial Coaching?

I am passionate about helping educators take control of their financial lives. I was fortunate to grow up in a family where financial decisions were openly discussed and debated. This background, along with my training in mathematics, provided numerous opportunities to learn about personal finance and financial wellness. The knowledge I have gained has enabled my wife and me to make informed choices about how we save and spend money, ultimately setting us on a path to achieve financial independence by our early 50s.

As I approach my 20th year in education, I have witnessed too many colleagues and students leave the profession because they could not chart a course to meet their financial goals. Although it is undeniable that educators are underpaid for their work, I firmly believe that achieving financial goals is more about long-term thinking and strategizing than simply making more money. You need to develop a plan that leverages the opportunities within your financial context, addresses the challenges, and charts a path forward to meet your goals.

If you are an educator, I want to help you find the course to achieve your financial goals, whether it's paying off debt, buying a house, or attaining financial independence and early retirement. I want to assist you in recognizing those financial opportunities that are unique to your context and consider how you can leverage them effectively. I am committed to working with you, providing on-going education, and identifying resources to empower you to achieve financial stability and independence.